Monday, June 2, 2008

degrees of love

falling out of love isn't covered as much as falling in love is, in movies && books. so sadly there's no operating manual for life when you no longer are in love with the person you love. sure you'll always love them, i believe, but in a small (eventually insignificant) way.

once a person is a big part of your life, you'll love them as a friend or family or a bittersweet memory. and when the latter tries to make a reentry to your life, their transgressions seemingly "forgiven and forgotten" on their end, you tend to get a little upset. which is COMPLETELY justified.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

crazy dreams.

i had two weird dreams last night. both were not in this time period haha but a couple decades past.

in the first some friends [[people i've never seen before]] and i are messing around in a neighborhood. theres a drag race going on and i guess we mess it up, because the guys are chasing us. while running we take a culdesac's walkway to some secluded house, and the guy running with me, luis [[never seen him before]], randomly takes my hand while we're running and we drop the hands and look at each other and grab our hands again. we scale the fence and hide all while holding hands. he lets go to go around the building to check if we were followed, when a guy jumps out at me. i drop kick him and luis and i take off running. we get a couple blocks away with our other 2 friends when i stop running and i feel faint, i start to pass out because i'm hypoglycemic and all that running nonsense tired me out. luis is still holding my hand as i fall, so he grabs me and holds me to him on the ground. the others try to find candy or something when a police car [[that looks like a painted station wagon]] pulls up and asks "whats the matter". the other friends don't know and luis replies "she's hypoglycemic, we were running from the dragsters and now her blood sugars down." they give him some soda and a candy bar and he tries to get me to drink some soda and gives up. he breaks the candy bar into pieces and tries to get them into my mouth. he gets some in and some soda in after a while and when i come to he leans in and kisses me.

next one, we're in like a classroom of some kind and the desks are seperated into two groups on opposite sides of the room. i'm in the group of desks closest to the door and against the opposite wall are jocks and the dragsters from the first dream. there's like a battle of the bands going on because the two sides are competing with guitars and singing and such. then the room settles down and i'm sitting on the opposite side with a guy and a girl. she's all shakey and when i ask her what's up she says she dropped acid and is tripping. the guy turns to me and says "what an idiot." we're talking and laughing when the teacher comes to drop off tests, he's also got a thing of candy asking which of us three want it. she's tripping, and he's not looking so i raise my hand and get it. the teacher says "i suppose its going to the one who does the hardest work in here." the guy laughs and says to the teacher "i may be a lawyer, but i still love julie hall" gesturing to me.

then i'm woken up. any ideas on what it means?