Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I thought I was supposed to stop feeling neurotic?

I always imagined that when I was in a healthy, functioning long term committed relationship I'd have my neurosis under control and we'd be this great cohesive unit. I guess in a way I expected being in the relationship would cure me? That's not the case especially since we're both human, we both brought baggage to the table.

I'm constantly on guard and trying to make things better for him. I guess part of me is resentful because he doesn't do the same for me. He works all day and I'm with Charlie 24/7. On paper and in theory I've got the easier burden so I try not to fight or push him. Problem is he pries; here I am trying so hard not to get upset and yell or cry, and he gets MAD that I don't.

I haven't showered properly in a week, I can't post real posts on my motherhood blog because I'm worried he'll get mad or upset when he reads it. I'm just feeling super on edge all the time this week and he's sensing it and poking the dragon.