Monday, February 23, 2009


TCCSTA [[Texas Community College Speech and Theatre Association]] play festival this year was FANTASTIC. I LOVE LOVE LOVE performing, and seeing shows, and just the camaraderie we form with other actors always astounds me. Our school receieved an "Excellence" and I got a "Superior" for my acting!

Sure there were some tiffs within our own sanctions, but that just makes the new friendships formed that much more important! haha I'm sad I can't compete next year, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be at Tomball then either so eh. Only time will tell and if I am I'll add it to my list of life lessons and experiences gathered and keep trucking.


Boomquiesha said...

YAY congratulations on your great success :)

ps if you dont have twitter...get it..its the best thing since baby jesus

Anonymous said...

Yay! You superstar, you. <3
Whatever the future brings for you, you know I've got your back!